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Zhang, C. ., Sun, H. ., Zhang, Z. ., Zhang, L. ., & Lei, S. . (2022). A Protocol Layer Test Strategy of Interlaken Embedded in FPGA. In (pp. 2325–2330). Chongqing, China: IEEE. (Original work published 2024)
Xu, B. ., Zhai, F. ., Li, B. ., Cao, Y. ., Zhang, C. ., & Zhou, Q. . (2022). Verification and Analysis of Security Hardening Operating System for Smart Power Terminals. In (pp. 241–245). Dalian, China: IEEE. (Original work published 2024)
Yin, T. ., Zhang, C. ., Ni, Y. ., Wu, Y. ., Wong, T. ., Luo, X. ., … Guo, Y. . (2022). An Empirical Study on Implicit Constraints in Smart Contract Static Analysis. In 2022 IEEE/ACM 44th International Conference on Software Engineering: Software Engineering in Practice (ICSE-SEIP) (pp. 31–32).
Liu, C. ., Luo, L. ., Wang, J. ., Zhang, C. ., & Pan, C. . (2022). A New Digital Predistortion Based On B spline Function With Compressive Sampling Pruning. In 2022 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (IWCMC) (pp. 1200–1205).