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Lin, Y. ., Li, Y. ., Gu, M. ., Sun, H. ., Yue, Q. ., Hu, J. ., … Zhang, Y. . (2022). Vulnerability Dataset Construction Methods Applied To Vulnerability Detection: A Survey. In (pp. 141–146). Baltimore, MD, USA: IEEE. (Original work published 2024)
Zhang, X. ., Sun, H. ., He, Z. ., Gu, M. ., Feng, J. ., & Zhang, Y. . (2022). VDBWGDL: Vulnerability Detection Based On Weight Graph And Deep Learning. In (pp. 186–190). Baltimore, MD, USA: IEEE. (Original work published 2024)
Zhang, X. ., Sun, H. ., He, Z. ., Gu, M. ., Feng, J. ., & Zhang, Y. . (2022). VDBWGDL: Vulnerability Detection Based On Weight Graph And Deep Learning. In 2022 52nd Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks Workshops (DSN-W) (pp. 186–190).