• Current Presenter Information
  • Keynote/Invited Talks Materials
  • Works Already Published Materials
  • Works-in-Progress Materials
  • Poster/Demo Presentation
  • Panel
  • Submit
  • Complete

HotSoS 2025: Submit Speaker Materials and Camera-Ready Abstracts

Please submit your author bios, headshots, and camera-ready abstracts by TBD. The materials will be published on the Symposium website. Abstracts for the Work-in-Progress presentations will only be posted at the authors discretion. For Work-Already-Published presentations, we will link to where the work has been published.

Important Dates

  • TBD: Presenter bio, headshot, and camera-ready abstract (ALL talks, posters, and demos) - submit below
  • TBD: Camera-ready poster and demo materials (posters and demos)
  • TBD: Presentation slides (talks)
  • TBD: HotSoS Symposium

If you have any questions, please contact the organizers at hotsos2025@sos-vo.org

Presenter Information