HotSoS 2025 Poster / Demo Session

The deadline for submitting your poster/demo materials is TBD.

The HotSoS networking and poster/demo sessions will be held on the Gather platform. This platform was carefully selected to ensure a more immersive online user experience. The platform can support poster files, slides, and demonstration videos. Please prepare a poster OR a slide deck with up to six slides. You may also optionally prepare a demo video.

Poster / Slide Requirements

  • PDF or PPTX format.
  • HotSoS logo
  • HotSoS details:    
    Hot Topics in the Science of Security (HotSoS) Symposium      
    TBD | Hosted by the National Security Agency
  • The following file naming convention, wherein [lastname] is the last name of the primary author: [lastname]_hotsos2025_poster.pdf      
    (e.g. Smith_hotsos2025_poster.pdf)

There are HotSoS branded poster and slide templates available to use, but you are not required to do so.


Poster Template

Slide Template


Demo Video (optional)

If you would like to create a demo video, this will be displayed in the virtual space next to your poster/slides. Attendees will have the ability to watch the video during breaks and networking sessions even if your booth is not staffed.

Video requirements

  • 5-minute max length
  • MP4 or MOV file format
  • 16:9 aspect ratio preferred
  • Clear audio (headsets are permitted)
  • The following file naming convention, wherein [lastname] is the last name of the primary author: [lastname]_hotsos2025_demo.pdf

Virtual Platform

Gather is a 2D world with 8-bit graphics. Participants move their avatar around the symposium space using their keyboard’s arrow keys. The poster and demo materials will be pre-loaded onto virtual poster stands. To interact with the materials, symposium attendees will "walk" up to the poster stand and press the “x” key to enter a full screen viewing. The presenter and attendees will be able to interact while the attendee is viewing the materials. An example poster room looks like this:      

The organizers will add your materials to the platform. We will make the space available to you in advance of the symposium so you can familiarize yourself and test your settings.

If you have any questions please contact the organizers at ​We look forward to your participation!

Primary Presenter
Poster/Demo Content
One file only.
2 GB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, pdf, ppt, pptx, zip.
One file only.
2 GB limit.
Allowed types: avi, mov, mp4, wav.
Licensing Options