"Qilin Ransomware's Sophisticated Tactics Unveiled By Experts"

Researchers have revealed more about the "Qilin" ransomware group, which recently demanded $50 million from the healthcare sector. Synnovis, a pathology services provider, was attacked earlier this month, affecting several NHS hospitals in London. Starting in February 2023, Qilin has been offering Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS) on underground forums. Qilin moved from Go-based "Agenda" ransomware to Rust, marking a move toward more robust and efficient malware. The group has compromised more than 150 organizations in 25 countries, affecting many industries. This article continues to discuss findings regarding the Qilin ransomware group.

Infosecurity Magazine reports "Qilin Ransomware's Sophisticated Tactics Unveiled By Experts"

Submitted by grigby1

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on