SCC Meeting #6 Agenda

Date: Nov 03, 2010 7:30 am – Nov 04, 2010 4:00 pm
Location: IBM CASCON - Markham, Ontario, Canada

Software Certification Consortium Meeting #6
Certification Methods for Safety-Critical Software
November 3-4, 2010 | Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Conference Archives:

0830 – 0915 Welcome & Introductions & Background on the Software Certification Consortium (SCC) and its Goals
Workshop Organizing Committee
0930 – 1000  Invited Talk: The Recent Trend to Assurance Cases - Pros and Cons
By Tom Maibaum (McMaster) and Hans Bherer (McMaster)
1000 – 1030 Coffee
SESSION 1: Regulatory Perpectives on Software Certification - Panel
1030 – 1100 Regulatory perspectives on software for nuclear applications
By Robert Lojk (Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission)
1100 – 1130 Perspectives on certifying software in safety systems for nuclear power plants
By Sushil Birla (U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission)
1130 – 1200 Assurance Cases for Certification of Infusion Pumps
By Paul Jones (U.S. Food and Drug Adminstration)
1200 – 1300 Lunch
1300 – 1400 Panel Discussion to End Session 1
SESSION 2: A Specific Instance of Regulation - View from Industry
1400 – 1430 Regulation of Patient Management (eHealth) Software in Canada
By James Wiliams (Blue Pebble) and Jense Weber (U Victoria)
SESSION 3: Tools for Software Certification
1430 – 1500 Smoother Integration of Contract-based Verification into Development Workflows for Certified Systems
By John Hatcliff (Kansas State University)
1500 – 1530 Workflow Management for Health Care Processes Meets Formal Verification
By Fazle Rabbi and Wendy MacCaull (St. Francis Xavier)
1530 – 1600 Coffee Break
1600 – 1630 Assurance Cases for Proofs as Evidence
By Arie Gurfinkel (SEI)
1630 – 1700 The Tabular Expression Toolbox for Matlab/Simulink
By Colin Eles an Mark Lawford (McMaster)
0830 – 0915 SCC Business - Charter and Meeting Schedule
0915 – 1000 Invited talk: The Perceptual and Cognitive Consequences of Aging (and why engineers should care about such things)
By Elizabeth Fong (NIST)
1000– 1030 Coffee Break
SESSION 4: Case Studies in Software Certification
1030 – 1100  Certification of eHealth Software
By Jens Weber (U Victoria)
1100 – 1130 Assurance Cases in Model-Driven Development of the Pacemaker Software
By Eunkyoung Jee, Insup Lee, and Oleg Sokolsky
1130 – 1200 The Rational Design Process Used for the Darlington Shutdown Systems - Developing Safety-Critical Software for Auditable Certification
By Alan Wassyng (McMaster)
1200 – 1300 Lunch
SESSION 5: Certification of COTS and Pre-developed Software
1300 – 1330 Measuring and Assessing Software Trustworthiness: Approaches and Challenges
By Elizabeth Fong (NIST)
1330 –  1400 Software - Friend or Foe
By Jeff McDougall, David Tremaine and Tom McCormick (SWI)
1400– 1530 Panel Discussion: The Future of Software Certification
1530– 1600 Coffee Break
1600– 1700 Discussion of the SCC's Mandate and Review of the SCC's Software Certification Roadmap
  • certification
  • Certification
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