“Transparency of Machine-Learning Algorithms Is a Double-Edged Sword”

Starting on May 25, 2018, the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will be in full force. The set of rules to be enforced by the GDPR seek to protect the privacy of data, while giving EU residents a significant amount of control over their personal data as well as a better insight into how such data is being managed by organizations. One of the requirements that organizations are expected fulfill is the providing of adequate information to users, pertaining to the automated systems used to process their data. However, a challenge arises as such systems often depend on machine learning. The exact reasoning behind decisions made through the use of machine learning models is difficult to fully understand and explain, which poses a risk of non-compliance. This article further discusses the difficulty in understanding the decision-making process of machine learning systems and whether the transparency of machine learning is a need or a threat.

WeLiveSecurity reports “Transparency of Machine-Learning Algorithms Is a Double-Edged Sword”


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