Hyper-parameter Tuning for Adversarially Robust Models
This work focuses on the problem of hyper-parameter tuning (HPT) for robust (i.e., adversarially trained) models, shedding light on the new challenges and opportunities arising during the HPT process for robust models. To this end, we conduct an extensive experimental study based on three popular deep models and explore exhaustively nine (discretized) hyper-parameters (HPs), two fidelity dimensions, and two attack bounds, for a total of 19208 configurations (corresponding to 50 thousand GPU hours). Through this study, we show that the complexity of the HPT problem is further exacerbated in adversarial settings due to the need to independently tune the HPs used during standard and adversarial training: succeeding in doing so (i.e., adopting different HP settings in both phases) can lead to a reduction of up to 80% and 43% of the error for clean and adversarial inputs, respectively. We also identify new opportunities to reduce the cost of HPT for robust models. Specifically, we propose to leverage cheap adversarial training methods to obtain inexpensive, yet highly correlated, estimations of the quality achievable using more robust/expensive state-of-the-art methods. We show that, by exploiting this novel idea in conjunction with a recent multi-fidelity optimizer (taKG), the efficiency of the HPT process can be enhanced by up to 2.1x.
Year of Publication
Conference Name
AISafety 2024
Date Published
4 August
Conference Location
Jeju, South Korea
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