  • "UEFI flaws can be exploited to install highly persistent ransomware"
    Security researchers from Cylance have discovered ways in which an attacker can exploit the vulnerabilities of a motherboard’s Unified Extensible Firmware Interface, also known as the modern BIOS, to run ransomware programs. These vulnerabilities have…
  • "Managed Services: a Security Problem and Solution"
    Managed services allow all companies of varying sizes to outsource management of some service or function to another firm specializing in managing services. Though these managed services can relieve large financial investments to manage such services in-…
  • "New Mirai Variant Carries Out 54-Hour DDoS Attacks"
    A new variant of the Mirai malware recently targeted a U.S. college and launched a 54-hour long DDoS attack. This attack follows the original Mirai malware that launched attacks in October 2016. This new variant of Mirai imitates the same tactics…
  • "How AI can ‘change the locks’ in cybersecurity"
    Organizations and industries often invest millions of dollars into security products to enhance the security of information, however the identical configurations of these products should be taken into consideration. This article discusses how artificial…
  • "NIST’s cybersecurity framework is changing -- what you should know"
    The National Institute of Standards and Technology revised the Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity, which outlines industry standards and best practices for organizations and industries in managing cybersecurity risks. This…
  • "Carbon Black warns that artificial intelligence is not a silver bullet"
    Carbon Black shares the results of a study that examines the perceptions of security researchers on the performance and effectiveness of artificial intelligence and machine learning. Most security researchers interviewed during this research claim that…
  • "FBI Warns Healthcare Entities of Threats to FTP Servers"
    The FBI has released statements alerting the healthcare sector of the threats and attacks being launched at file transfer protocol servers being ran in anonymous mode. These FTP servers store sensitive personal health information that could be exploited…
  • "If You Want to Stop Big Data Breaches, Start With Databases"
    Data breaches have increasingly become more common over the past few years due to poor security configurations of databases directly linked to the internet. Though any type of database can be susceptible to data breaches if poorly configured, “NoSQL”…
  • "Feds to battle cybersecurity with analytics"
    The federal government seeks to improve cybersecurity through the implementation of analytics technology. It has been emphasized that new standards and protocols must be put in place to manage the distribution of information throughout public and private…
  • "Cybersecurity Expert Studies Novel Tools to Thwart Attacks"
    Cybersecurity experts emphasize that cybersecurity is a continuous journey of study, exploration, and maintenance. There is no single solution to preventing cyberattacks, though security researchers and companies still try to develop the best…
  • "Repealing FCC’s privacy rules: A serious blow to privacy, cybersecurity"
    The House of Representatives voted to repeal privacy rules devised by the FCC on March 28. This would allow ISPs the right to invade the privacy of users by recording browsing history, app usage, and other sensitive data that would be collected to sell…
  • "Desktop scanners can be hijacked to perpetrate cyberattacks"
    According to a new paper released by researchers at Ben-Gurion University, desktop scanners are susceptible to being infiltrated through different light sources such as lasers and smart bulbs. Researchers performed multiple demonstrations that reveal the…