  • Rise of the Machines: The Dyn Attack Was Just a Practice Run
    The Institute for Critical Infrastructure Technology (ICIT) released a report about CPS and cyber attackers. More specifically, it documents what is going on with using IoT as a base of cyberattack. As we have seen earlier with Mirai, this report puts…
  • DoD awards $17 Million Contract with GA Tech to Help Establish Science of Cyber Attribution
    The Department of Defense awarded $17.3 million over 4.5 years to Georgia Tech to further the science of attribution. The initiative will provide proof of involvement by specific groups, identifiable by their methods of attack, consistent errors and…
  • SANS Annouced Winners of 2016 Difference Makers Award
    SANS Institude annouced the winners of its 2016 Difference Makers Award. This award celebrates those individuals whose innovation, skill and hard work have resulted in real increases in information security. More Information and List of Winners: https…
  • NSF Advancing the Science of Cybersecurity
    The National Science Foundation awards $76 in cybersecurity research. It was part of their Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC) program to study the scientific, engineering and socio-technical aspects of cybersecurity. Within this award 3 projects…
  • NICE Program Office posts Draft Cybersecurity Workforce Framework (NIST SP 800-181) for public comments
    The U.S. Commerce Department’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) released a reference resource that will help U.S. employers more effectively identify, recruit, develop and maintain cybersecurity talent. The draft NICE…
  • 5th BSCPC Open for Submissions
    The 5th Annual Best Scientific Cybersecurity Paper Competition is open for submissions. NSA invites nominations of papers published between January 1st 2016 and December 31st 2016 that show an outstanding contribution to cybersecurity science. …
  • Search through CS Publications with AI
    Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence, funded by Microsoft founder, Paul Allen, has updated their Semantic Scholar. It is a search engine powered with Machine Learning and AI. It was released in 2015 for the Computer Science Field and recently…
  • UMD and NSA team up for NSA Lead Courses & Mentorship
    The University of Maryland and The National Security Agency have strengthen their collaborative agreement for the Advanced Cybersecurity Experience for Students (ACES) program. The program began in 2013, but the new additions is that NSA will provide…
  • UTSA Professors advance detection of people with multiple profiles
    University of Texas San Antonio annouced that Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, associate professor of information systems and cybersecurity and Cloud Technology Endowed Professor has described a method for detecting people dishonestly posting online comments,…
  • GCN Blogpost - Moving Cybersecurity from Art to Science
    GCN Blog - Cybereye - posted about moving cybersecurity from an art to a science. It's stated as that's the key for getting ahead of cyber attackers. The post lacks a real investigation into the acutal moving to a science. It does note that Big Data…
  • 15 under 15 - Rising Cybersecurity Stars
    The Christian Science Monitor published 15 profiles of cybersecurity "stars" who are under 15. These kids are already advancing cybersecurity.
  • NCSU Lablet holds Annual Community Day
    October 20, 2016 - The Science of Security Lablet at North Carolina State University held its annual Community Day. This event brought together researchers, industry and government to get to know the lablet's research and create collaboration. The…