Sayan Mitra
Sayan Mitra

Sayan Mitra is a Professor, Associate Head of Graduate Affairs, and John Bardeen Faculty Scholar of ECE at UIUC. His research is on safe autonomy. His research group develops theory, algorithms, and tools for control synthesis and verification. Some of these have been patented and are being commercialized. Several former PhD students are now professors: Taylor Johnson (Vanderbilt), Parasara Sridhar Duggirala (NC Chapel Hill), and Chuchu Fan (MIT). Sayan received his PhD from MIT with Nancy Lynch. His textbook on verification of cyber-physical systems was published by MIT press in 2021. The group's work has been recognized with NSF CAREER Award, AFOSR Young Investigator Research Program Award, ACM SRC gold prize, IEEE-HKN C. Holmes MacDonald Outstanding Teaching Award (2013), Siebel Fellowship, and several best paper awards.

Urbana, Illinois