Smart cities deploy large numbers of sensors and collect a tremendous amount of data from them. For example, Advanced Metering Infrastructures (AMIs), which consist of physical meters that collect usage data about public utilities such as power and water, are an important building block in a smart city. In a typical sensor network, the measurement devices are connected through a computer network, which exposes them to cyber attacks. Furthermore, the data is centrally managed at the operator’s servers, making it vulnerable to insider threats.Our goal is to protect the integrity of data collected by large-scale sensor networks and the firmware in measurement devices from cyber attacks and insider threats. To this end, we first develop a comprehensive threat model for attacks against data and firmware integrity, which can target any of the stakeholders in the operation of the sensor network. Next, we use our threat model to analyze existing defense mechanisms, including signature checks, remote firmware attestation, anomaly detection, and blockchain-based secure logs. However, the large size of the Trusted Computing Base and a lack of scalability limit the applicability of these existing mechanisms. We propose the Feather-Light Blockchain Infrastructure (FLBI) framework to address these limitations. Our framework leverages a two-layer architecture and cryptographic threshold signature chains to support large networks of low-capacity devices such as meters and data aggregators. We have fully implemented the FLBI’s end-to-end functionality on the Hyperledger Fabric and private Ethereum blockchain platforms. Our experiments show that the FLBI is able to support millions of end devices.
Authored by Daniël Reijsbergen, Aung Maw, Sarad Venugopalan, Dianshi Yang, Tien Dinh, Jianying Zhou
In defense and security applications, detection of moving target direction is as important as the target detection and/or target classification. In this study, a methodology for the detection of different mobile targets as approaching or receding was proposed for ground surveillance radar data, and convolutional neural networks (CNN) based on transfer learning were employed for this purpose. In order to improve the classification performance, the use of two key concepts, namely Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network (DCGAN) and decision fusion, has been proposed. With DCGAN, the number of limited available data used for training was increased, thus creating a bigger training dataset with identical distribution to the original data for both moving directions. This generated synthetic data was then used along with the original training data to train three different pre-trained deep convolutional networks. Finally, the classification results obtained from these networks were combined with decision fusion approach. In order to evaluate the performance of the proposed method, publicly available RadEch dataset consisting of eight ground target classes was utilized. Based on the experimental results, it was observed that the combined use of the proposed DCGAN and decision fusion methods increased the detection accuracy of moving target for person, vehicle, group of person and all target groups, by 13.63%, 10.01%, 14.82% and 8.62%, respectively.
Authored by Asli Omeroglu, Hussein Mohammed, Argun Oral, Yucel Ozbek
According to the characteristics of security threats and massive users in power mobile applications, a mobile application security situational awareness method based on big data architecture is proposed. The method uses open-source big data technology frameworks such as Kafka, Flink, Elasticsearch, etc. to complete the collection, analysis, storage and visual display of massive power mobile application data, and improve the throughput of data processing. The security situation awareness method of power mobile application takes the mobile terminal threat index as the core, divides the risk level for the mobile terminal, and predicts the terminal threat index through support vector machine regression algorithm (SVR), so as to construct the security profile of the mobile application operation terminal. Finally, through visualization services, various data such as power mobile applications and terminal assets, security operation statistics, security strategies, and alarm analysis are displayed to guide security operation and maintenance personnel to carry out power mobile application security monitoring and early warning, banning disposal and traceability analysis and other decision-making work. The experimental analysis results show that the method can meet the requirements of security situation awareness for threat assessment accuracy and response speed, and the related results have been well applied in a power company.
Authored by Li Yong, Chen Mu, Dai ZaoJian, Chen Lu
Real-time situational awareness (SA) plays an essential role in accurate and timely incident response. Maintaining SA is, however, extremely costly due to excessive false alerts generated by intrusion detection systems, which require prioritization and manual investigation by security analysts. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to prioritizing alerts so as to maximize SA, by formulating the problem as that of active learning in a hidden Markov model (HMM). We propose to use the entropy of the belief of the security state as a proxy for the mean squared error (MSE) of the belief, and we develop two computationally tractable policies for choosing alerts to investigate that minimize the entropy, taking into account the potential uncertainty of the investigations' results. We use simulations to compare our policies to a variety of baseline policies. We find that our policies reduce the MSE of the belief of the security state by up to 50% compared to static baseline policies, and they are robust to high false alert rates and to the investigation errors.
Authored by Yeongwoo Kim, György Dán
Control room video surveillance is an important source of information for ensuring public safety. To facilitate the process, a Decision-Support System (DSS) designed for the security task force is vital and necessary to take decisions rapidly using a sea of information. In case of mission critical operation, Situational Awareness (SA) which consists of knowing what is going on around you at any given time plays a crucial role across a variety of industries and should be placed at the center of our DSS. In our approach, SA system will take advantage of the human factor thanks to the reinforcement signal whereas previous work on this field focus on improving knowledge level of DSS at first and then, uses the human factor only for decision-making. In this paper, we propose a situational awareness-centric decision-support system framework for mission-critical operations driven by Quality of Experience (QoE). Our idea is inspired by the reinforcement learning feedback process which updates the environment understanding of our DSS. The feedback is injected by a QoE built on user perception. Our approach will allow our DSS to evolve according to the context with an up-to-date SA.
Authored by Abhishek Djeachandrane, Said Hoceini, Serge Delmas, Jean-Michel Duquerrois, Abdelhamid Mellouk
The features of socio-cyber-physical systems are presented, which dictate the need to revise traditional management methods and transform the management system in such a way that it takes into account the presence of a person both in the control object and in the control loop. The use of situational control mechanisms is proposed. The features of this approach and its comparison with existing methods of situational awareness are presented. The comparison has demonstrated wider possibilities and scope for managing socio-cyber-physical systems. It is recommended to consider a wider class of types of relations that exist in socio-cyber-physical systems. It is indicated that such consideration can be based on the use of pseudo-physical logics considered in situational control. It is pointed out that it is necessary to design a classifier of situations (primarily in cyberspace), instead of traditional classifiers of threats and intruders.
Authored by Oleksandr Milov, Vladyslav Khvostenko, Voropay Natalia, Olha Korol, Nataliia Zviertseva
With the electric power distribution grid facing ever increasing complexity and new threats from cyber-attacks, situational awareness for system operators is quickly becoming indispensable. Identifying de-energized lines on the distribution system during a SCADA communication failure is a prime example where operators need to act quickly to deal with an emergent loss of service. Loss of cellular towers, poor signal strength, and even cyber-attacks can impact SCADA visibility of line devices on the distribution system. Neural Networks (NNs) provide a unique approach to learn the characteristics of normal system behavior, identify when abnormal conditions occur, and flag these conditions for system operators. This study applies a 24-hour load forecast for distribution line devices given the weather forecast and day of the week, then determines the current state of distribution devices based on changes in SCADA analogs from communicating line devices. A neural network-based algorithm is applied to historical events on Alabama Power's distribution system to identify de-energized sections of line when a significant amount of SCADA information is hidden.
Authored by Matthew Leak, Ganesh Venayagamoorthy
Increasing connectivity and automation in vehicles leads to a greater potential attack surface. Such vulnerabilities within vehicles can also be used for auto-theft, increasing the potential for attackers to disable anti-theft mechanisms implemented by vehicle manufacturers. We utilize patterns derived from Controller Area Network (CAN) bus traffic to verify driver “behavior”, as a basis to prevent vehicle theft. Our proposed model uses semi-supervised learning that continuously profiles a driver, using features extracted from CAN bus traffic. We have selected 15 key features and obtained an accuracy of 99% using a dataset comprising a total of 51 features across 10 different drivers. We use a number of data analysis algorithms, such as J48, Random Forest, JRip and clustering, using 94K records. Our results show that J48 is the best performing algorithm in terms of training and testing (1.95 seconds and 0.44 seconds recorded, respectively). We also analyze the effect of using a sliding window on algorithm performance, altering the size of the window to identify the impact on prediction accuracy.
Authored by Rashid Khan, Neetesh Saxena, Omer Rana, Prosanta Gope
Accurate and synchronized timing information is required by power system operators for controlling the grid infrastructure (relays, Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs), etc.) and determining asset positions. Satellite-based global positioning system (GPS) is the primary source of timing information. However, GPS disruptions today (both intentional and unintentional) can significantly compromise the reliability and security of our electric grids. A robust alternate source for accurate timing is critical to serve both as a deterrent against malicious attacks and as a redundant system in enhancing the resilience against extreme events that could disrupt the GPS network. To achieve this, we rely on the highly accurate, terrestrial atomic clock-based network for alternative timing and synchronization. In this paper, we discuss an experimental setup for an alternative timing approach. The data obtained from this experimental setup is continuously monitored and analyzed using various time deviation metrics. We also use these metrics to compute deviations of our clock with respect to the National Institute of Standards and Technologys (NIST) GPS data. The results obtained from these metric computations are elaborately discussed. Finally, we discuss the integration of the procedures involved, like real-time data ingestion, metric computation, and result visualization, in a novel microservices-based architecture for situational awareness.
Authored by Supriya Chinthavali, S.M.Shamimul Hasan, Srikanth Yoginath, Haowen Xu, Phil Nugent, Terry Jones, Cozmo Engebretsen, Joseph Olatt, Varisara Tansakul, Carter Christopher, Yarom Polsky
Automatic Identification System (AIS) plays a leading role in maritime navigation, traffic control, local and global maritime situational awareness. Today, the reliable and secure AIS operation is threatened by probable cyber attacks such as imitation of ghost vessels, false distress or security messages, or fake virtual aids-to-navigation. We propose a method for ensuring the authentication and integrity of AIS messages based on the use of the Message Authentication Code scheme and digital watermarking (WM) technology to organize an additional tag transmission channel. The method provides full compatibility with the existing AIS functionality.
Authored by Oleksandr Shyshkin
Intrusion detection systems (IDSs) are widely deployed in the industrial control systems to protect network security. IDSs typically generate a huge number of alerts, which are time-consuming for system operators to process. Most of the alerts are individually insignificant false alarms. However, it is not the best solution to discard these alerts, as they can still provide useful information about network situation. Based on the study of characteristics of alerts in the industrial control systems, we adopt an enhanced method of exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) control charts to help operators in processing alerts. We classify all detection signatures as regular and irregular according to their frequencies, set multiple control limits to detect anomalies, and monitor regular signatures for network security situational awareness. Extensive experiments have been performed using real-world alert data. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed enhanced EWMA method can greatly reduce the volume of alerts to be processed while reserving significant abnormal information.
Authored by Baoxiang Jiang, Yang Liu, Huixiang Liu, Zehua Ren, Yun Wang, Yuanyi Bao, Wenqing Wang
In this article, we propose a generic cyber-physical framework, developed in our laboratory, for smart grid control and monitoring in real-time. Our framework is composed of four key elements: (1) system layer which embeds a physical or emulated power system network, (2) data analysis layer to execute real-time data-driven grid analysis algorithms, (3) backend layer with a generic data storage framework which supports multiple databases with functionally different architectures, and (4) visualization layer where multiple customized or commercially available user interfaces can be deployed concurrently for grid control and monitoring. These four layers are interlinked via bidirectional communication channels. Such a flexible and scalable framework provides a cohesive environment to enhance smart grid situational awareness. We demonstrate the utility of our proposed architecture with several case studies where we estimate a modified IEEE-33 bus distribution network topology entirely from synchrophasor measurements, without any prior knowledge of the grid network, and render the same on visualization platform. Three demonstrations are included with single and multiple system operators having complete and partial measurements.
Authored by Arnab Dey, Soham Chakraborty, Murti Salapaka
Smart grids integrate computing and communication infrastructure with conventional power grids to improve situational awareness, control, and safety. Several technologies such as automatic fault detection, automated reconfiguration, and outage management require close network monitoring. Therefore, utilities utilize sensing equipment such as PMUs (phasor measurement units), smart meters, and bellwether meters to obtain grid measurements. However, the expansion in sensing equipment results in an increased strain on existing communication infrastructure. Prior works overcome this problem by exploiting the sparsity of power consumption data in the Haar, Hankel, and Toeplitz transformation bases to achieve sub-Nyquist compression. However, data-driven dictionaries enable superior compression ratios and reconstruction accuracy by learning the sparsifying basis. Therefore, this work proposes using dictionary learning to learn the sparsifying basis of smart meter data. The smart meter data sent to the data centers are compressed using a random projection matrix prior to transmission. These measurements are aggregated to obtain the compressed measurements at the primary nodes. Compressive sensing-based estimators are then utilized to estimate the system states. This approach was validated on the IEEE 33-node distribution system and showed superior reconstruction accuracy over conventional transformation bases and over-complete dictionaries. Voltage magnitude and angle estimation error less than 0.3% mean absolute percentage error and 0.04 degree mean absolute error, respectively, were achieved at compression ratios as high as eight.
Authored by Rahul Madbhavi, Babji Srinivasan
The integration of distributed energy resources (DERs) and expansion of complex network in the distribution grid requires an advanced two-level state estimator to monitor the grid health at micro-level. The distribution state estimator will improve the situational awareness and resiliency of distributed power system. This paper implements a synchrophasors-based master state awareness (MSA) estimator to enhance the cybersecurity in distribution grid by providing a real-time estimation of system operating states to control center operators. In this paper, the implemented MSA estimator utilizes only phasor measurements, bus magnitudes and angles, from phasor measurement units (PMUs), deployed in local substations, to estimate the system states and also detects data integrity attacks, such as load tripping attack that disconnects the load. To validate the proof of concept, we implement this methodology in cyber-physical testbed environment at the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) Electric Grid Security Testbed. Further, to address the "valley of death" and support technology commercialization, field demonstration is also performed at the Critical Infrastructure Test Range Complex (CITRC) at the INL. Our experimental results reveal a promising performance in detecting load tripping attack and providing an accurate situational awareness through an alert visualization dashboard in real-time.
Authored by Mataz Alanzi, Hari Challa, Hussain Beleed, Brian Johnson, Yacine Chakhchoukh, Dylan Reen, Vivek Singh, John Bell, Craig Rieger, Jake Gentle
Similar to any spoof detection systems, power grid monitoring systems and devices are subject to various cyberattacks by determined and well-funded adversaries. Many well-publicized real-world cyberattacks on power grid systems have been publicly reported. Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) networks with Phasor Data Concentrators (PDCs) are the main building blocks of the overall wide area monitoring and situational awareness systems in the power grid. The data between PMUs and PDC(s) are sent through the legacy networks, which are subject to many attack scenarios under with no, or inadequate, countermeasures in protocols, such as IEEE 37.118-2. In this paper, we consider a stealthier data spoofing attack against PMU networks, called a mirroring attack, where an adversary basically injects a copy of a set of packets in reverse order immediately following their original positions, wiping out the correct values. To the best of our knowledge, for the first time in the literature, we consider a more challenging attack both in terms of the strategy and the lower percentage of spoofed attacks. As part of our countermeasure detection scheme, we make use of novel framing approach to make application of a 2D Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)-based approach which avoids the computational overhead of the classical sample-based classification algorithms. Our experimental evaluation results show promising results in terms of both high accuracy and true positive rates even under the aforementioned stealthy adversarial attack scenarios.
Authored by Yusuf Korkmaz, Alvin Huseinovic, Halil Bisgin, Saša Mrdović, Suleyman Uludag
Smart city management is going through a remarkable transition, in terms of quality and diversity of services provided to the end-users. The stakeholders that deliver pervasive applications are now able to address fundamental challenges in the big data value chain, from data acquisition, data analysis and processing, data storage and curation, and data visualisation in real scenarios. Industry 4.0 is pushing this trend forward, demanding for servitization of products and data, also for the smart cities sector where humans, sensors and devices are operating in strict collaboration. The data produced by the ubiquitous devices must be processed quickly to allow the implementation of reactive services such as situational awareness, video surveillance and geo-localization, while always ensuring the safety and privacy of involved citizens. This paper proposes a modular architecture to (i) leverage innovative technologies for data acquisition, management and distribution (such as Apache Kafka and Apache NiFi), (ii) develop a multi-layer engineering solution for revealing valuable and hidden societal knowledge in smart cities environment, and (iii) tackle the main issues in tasks involving complex data flows and provide general guidelines to solve them. We derived some guidelines from an experimental setting performed together with leading industrial technical departments to accomplish an efficient system for monitoring and servitization of smart city assets, with a scalable platform that confirms its usefulness in numerous smart city use cases with different needs.
Authored by Theofanis Raptis, Claudio Cicconetti, Manolis Falelakis, Tassos Kanellos, Tomás Lobo
An accurate state estimation (SE) considering increased uncertainty by the high penetration of renewable energy systems (RESs) is more and more important to enhance situational awareness, and the optimal and resilient operation of the renewable-rich power grids. However, it is anticipated that adversaries who plan to manipulate the target power grid will generate attacks that inject inaccurate data to the SE using the vulnerabilities of the devices and networks. Among potential attack types, false data injection attack (FDIA) is gaining popularity since this can bypass bad data detection (BDD) methods implemented in the SE systems. Although numerous FDIA detection methods have been recently proposed, the uncertainty of system configuration that arises by the continuously increasing penetration of RESs has been been given less consideration in the FDIA algorithms. To address this issue, this paper proposes a new FDIA detection scheme that is applicable to renewable energy-rich power grids. A deep learning framework is developed in particular by synergistically constructing a Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (Bi-LSTM) with modern smart grid characteristics. The developed framework is evaluated on the IEEE 14-bus system integrating several RESs by using several attack scenarios. A comparison of the numerical results shows that the proposed FDIA detection mechanism outperforms the existing deep learning-based approaches in a renewable energy-rich grid environment.
Authored by Mostafa Mohammadpourfard, Yang Weng, Istemihan Genc, Taesic Kim
Micro grid is a small-scale power supply network designed to provide electricity to small community with integrated renewable energy sources. A micro grid can be integrated to the utility grid. Due to lack of computerized analysis, mechanical switches causing slow response time, poor visibility and situational awareness blackouts are caused due to cascading of faults. This paper presents a brief survey on communication technologies used in smart grid and its extension to micro grid. By integration of communication network, device control, information collection and remote management an intelligent power management system can be achieved
Authored by N Latha., B Divya V, Usha Surendra, N Archana V
While digitization of distribution grids through information and communications technology brings numerous benefits, it also increases the grid's vulnerability to serious cyber attacks. Unlike conventional systems, attacks on many industrial control systems such as power grids often occur in multiple stages, with the attacker taking several steps at once to achieve its goal. Detection mechanisms with situational awareness are needed to detect orchestrated attack steps as part of a coherent attack campaign. To provide a foundation for detection and prevention of such attacks, this paper addresses the detection of multi-stage cyber attacks with the aid of a graph-based cyber intelligence database and alert correlation approach. Specifically, we propose an approach to detect multi-stage attacks by lever-aging heterogeneous data to form a knowledge base and employ a model-based correlation approach on the generated alerts to identify multi-stage cyber attack sequences taking place in the network. We investigate the detection quality of the proposed approach by using a case study of a multi-stage cyber attack campaign in a future-orientated power grid pilot.
Authored by Ömer Sen, Chijioke Eze, Andreas Ulbig, Antonello Monti
Event detection and classification are crucial to power system stability. The Wide Area Measurement System (WAMS) technology helps in enhancing wide area situational awareness by providing useful synchronized information to the grid control center in order to accurately identify various power system events. This paper demonstrates the viability of using EWAMS (Egyptian Wide Area Measurement System) data as one of the evolving technologies of smart grid to identify extreme events within the Egyptian power grid. The proposed scheme is based on online synchronized measurements of wide-area monitoring devices known as Frequency Disturbance Recorders (FDRs) deployed at selected substations within the grid. The FDR measures the voltage, voltage angle, and frequency at the substation and streams the processed results to the Helwan University Host Server (HUHS). Each FDR is associated with a timestamp reference to the Global Positioning System (GPS) base. An EWAMS-based frequency disturbance detection algorithm based on the rate of frequency deviation is developed to identify varies types of events such as generator trip and load shedding. Based on proper thresholding on the frequency and rate of change of frequency of the Egyptian grid, different types of events have been captured in many locations during the supervision and monitoring the operation of the grid. EWAMS historical data is used to analyze a wide range of data pre-event, during and post-event for future enhancement of situational awareness as well as decision making.
Authored by Mahmoud Abdelrahman, A. Kassem, Ahmed Saad, Osama Mohammed
Aiming at the big data security and privacy protection issues in the smart grid, the current key technologies for big data security and privacy protection in smart grids are sorted out, and a privacy-protecting smart grid association rule is proposed according to the privacy-protecting smart grid big data analysis and mining technology route The mining plan specifically analyzes the risk factors in the operation of the new power grid, and discusses the information security of power grid users from the perspective of the user, focusing on the protection of privacy and security, using safe multi-party calculation of the support and confidence of the association rules. Privacy-protecting smart grid big data mining enables power companies to improve service quality to 7.5% without divulging customer private information.
Authored by Mei Wang
As a new generation of power grid system, smart grid and smart meter conduct two-way communication to realize the intelligent collection, monitoring and dispatching of user power data, so as to achieve a safer, stable, reliable and efficient power grid environment. With the vigorous development of power grid, there are also some security and privacy problems. This paper uses Paillier homomorphic encryption algorithm and role-based access control strategy to ensure the privacy security in the process of multi-dimensional aggregation, data transmission and sharing of power data. Applying the characteristics of blockchain technology such as decentralization, non tampering and traceability to the smart grid can effectively solve the privacy and security problems of power data transmission and sharing in the smart grid. This paper compares Paillier encryption algorithm with PPAR algorithm and SIAHE algorithm in terms of encryption mechanism, number of aggregators and computational complexity respectively. The results show that Paillier homomorphic encryption algorithm has higher data privacy and security.
Authored by Youjie Ma, Hua Su, Xuesong Zhou, Fuhou Tu
In advanced metering infrastructure (AMI), the customers' power consumption data is considered private but needs to be revealed to data-driven attack detection frameworks. In this paper, we present a system for privacy-preserving anomaly-based data falsification attack detection over fully homomorphic encrypted (FHE) data, which enables computations required for the attack detection over encrypted individual customer smart meter's data. Specifically, we propose a homomorphic look-up table (LUT) based FHE approach that supports privacy preserving anomaly detection between the utility, customer, and multiple partied providing security services. In the LUTs, the data pairs of input and output values for each function required by the anomaly detection framework are stored to enable arbitrary arithmetic calculations over FHE. Furthermore, we adopt a private information retrieval (PIR) approach with FHE to enable approximate search with LUTs, which reduces the execution time of the attack detection service while protecting private information. Besides, we show that by adjusting the significant digits of inputs and outputs in our LUT, we can control the detection accuracy and execution time of the attack detection, even while using FHE. Our experiments confirmed that our proposed method is able to detect the injection of false power consumption in the range of 11–17 secs of execution time, depending on detection accuracy.
Authored by Ruixiao Li, Shameek Bhattacharjee, Sajal Das, Hayato Yamana
Integration of technology with power grid emerged Smart grid. The advancement of power grid into smart grid faces some security issues like message mod-ification attacks, message injection attacks etc. If these issues are correctly not addressed, then the performance of the smart grid is degraded. Smart grid has bidirectional communication among the smart grid entities. The flow of user energy consumption information between all smart grid entities may lead the user privacy violation. Smart grids have various components but service providers and smart meters are the main components. Smart meters have sensing and communication functionality, while service providers have control and communication functionality. There are many privacy preservation schemes proposed that ensure the cus-tomer's privacy in the smart grid. To preserve the customer's data privacy and communication, authentication and key agreement schemes are required between the smart meter and the service provider. This paper proposes an efficient key agreement protocol to handle several security challenges in smart grid. The proposed protocol is tested against the various security attributes necessary for a key establishment protocol and found safe. Further the performance of the proposed work is compared with several others existing work for smart grid application and it has been observed that the proposed protocol performs significantly better than the existing protocols available in the literature.
Authored by Sachin Choudhary, Abhimanyu Kumar, Krishan Kumar
To fulfill different requirements from various services, the smart grid typically uses 5G network slicing technique for splitting the physical network into multiple virtual logical networks. By doing so, end users in smart grid can select appropriate slice that is suitable for their services. Privacy has vital significance in network slicing selection, since both the end user and the network entities are afraid that their sensitive slicing features are leaked to an adversary. At the same time, in the smart grid, there are many low-power users who are not suitable for complex security schemes. Therefore, both security and efficiency are basic requirements for 5G slicing selection schemes. Considering both security and efficiency, we propose a 5G slicing selection security scheme based on matching degree estimation, called SS-MDE. In SS-MDE, a set of random numbers is used to hide the feature information of the end user and the AMF which can provide privacy protection for exchanged slicing features. Moreover, the best matching slice is selected by calculating the Euclid distance between two slices. Since the algorithms used in SS-MDE include only several simple mathematical operations, which are quite lightweight, SS-MDE can achieve high efficiency. At the same time, since third-party attackers cannot extract the slicing information, SS-MDE can fulfill security requirements. Experimental results show that the proposed scheme is feasible in real world applications.
Authored by Wei Wang, Jiming Yao, Weiping Shao, Yangzhou Xu, Shaowu Peng