Databases are at the heart of modern applications and any threats to them can seriously endanger the safety and functionality of applications relying on the services offered by a DBMS. It is therefore pertinent to identify key risks to the secure operation of a database system. This paper identifies the key risks, namely, SQL injection, weak audit trails, access management issues and issues with encryption. A malicious actor can get help from any of these issues. It can compromise integrity, availability and confidentiality of the data present in database systems. The paper also identifies various means and ways to defend against these issues and remedy them. This paper then proceeds to identify from the literature, the potential solutions to these ameliorate the threat from these vulnerabilities. It proposes the usage of encryption to protect the data from being breached and leveraging encrypted databases such as CryptoDB. Better access control norms are suggested to prevent unauthorized access, modification and deletion of the data. The paper also recommends ways to prevent SQL injection attacks through techniques such as prepared statements.
Authored by Nisha Gharpure, Aradhana Rai
Data Analytics is at the core of almost all modern ap-plications ranging from science and finance to healthcare and web applications. The evolution of data analytics over the last decade has been dramatic - new methods, new tools and new platforms - with no slowdown in sight. This rapid evolution has pushed the boundaries of data analytics along several axis including scalability especially with the rise of distributed infrastructures and the Big Data era, and interoperability with diverse data management systems such as relational databases, Hadoop and Spark. However, many analytic application developers struggle with the challenge of production deployment. Recent experience suggests that it is difficult to deliver modern data analytics with the level of reliability, security and manageability that has been a feature of traditional SQL DBMSs. In this tutorial, we discuss the advances and innovations introduced at both the infrastructure and algorithmic levels, directed at making analytic workloads scale, while paying close attention to the kind of quality of service guarantees different technology provide. We start with an overview of the classical centralized analytical techniques, describing the shift towards distributed analytics over non-SQL infrastructures. We contrast such approaches with systems that integrate analytic functionality inside, above or adjacent to SQL engines. We also explore how Cloud platforms' virtualization capabilities make it easier - and cheaper - for end users to apply these new analytic techniques to their data. Finally, we conclude with the learned lessons and a vision for the near future.
Authored by Mohammed Al-Kateb, Mohamed Eltabakh, Awny Al-Omari, Paul Brown
Based on the analysis of material performance data management requirements, a network-sharing scheme of material performance data is proposed. A material performance database system including material performance data collection, data query, data analysis, data visualization, data security management and control modules is designed to solve the problems of existing material performance database network sharing, data fusion and multidisciplinary support, and intelligent services Inadequate standardization and data security control. This paper adopts hierarchical access control strategy. After logging into the material performance database system, users can standardize the material performance data and store them to form a shared material performance database. The standardized material performance data of the database system shall be queried and shared under control according to the authority. Then, the database system compares and analyzes the material performance data obtained from controlled query sharing. Finally, the database system visualizes the shared results of controlled queries and the comparative analysis results obtained. The database system adopts the MVC architecture based on B/S (client/server) cross platform J2EE. The Third-party computing platforms are integrated in System. Users can easily use material performance data and related services through browsers and networks. MongoDB database is used for data storage, supporting distributed storage and efficient query.
Authored by Cuifang Zheng, Jiaju Wu, Linggang Kong, Shijia Kang, Zheng Cheng, Bin Luo
This paper describes a prototype of a novel Permanent Magnetic Elastomer (PME) sheet based skin sensor for robotic applications. Its working principle is to use a Hall effect transducer to measure the change of magnetic field. PME is a polymer that has Neodymium particles distributed inside it, after strong magnetization for anisotropy, the PME acquires strong remanent magnetization that can be comparable to that of a permanent magnet, in this work, we made improvement of the strength of the magnetic field of PME, so it achieved magnetic strength as high as 25 mT when there is no deformation. When external forces apply on the sensor, the deformation of PME causes a change in the magnetic field due to the change in the alignment of the magnetic particles. Compared with other soft magnetic sensors that employ similar technology, we implemented linear regression method to simplify the calibration, so we focus on the point right above the magnetometer. An MLX90393 chip is installed at the bottom of the PME as the magnetometer. Experimental results show that it can measure forces from 0.01–10 N. Calibration is confirmed effective even for shear directions when the surface of PME is less than 15 x 15 mm.
Authored by Yushi Wang, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Qichen Wang, Hiroyuki Sakamoto, Shigeki Sugano
Contrary to previous opinion, ‘frost shattering’ is not the only major contributor to rock weathering at mid latitudes and high elevations, more specifically along edges of bedrock escarpments. Lightning is also a significant contributor to land surface denudation. We can show this as lightning strikes on outcrops can dramatically alter the magnetic signature of rocks and is one of the main sources of noise in paleomagnetic studies. Igneous rocks in the highlands of Lesotho, southern Africa (\textgreater 3000 m elevation) provide an ideal study location, as flow lavas remain as prominent ridges that are relatively resistant to weathering. It is well known that lightning strikes can cause large remanent magnetization in rocks with little resultant variation in susceptibility. At two adjoining peaks in the Lesotho highlands, mapped freshly fractured rock correlates with areas of high magnetic intensity (remanent component), but little variation in susceptibility (related to the induced field), and is therefore a clear indicator of lightning damage. The majority of these mapped strike sites occur at the edges of topographic highs. Variations in magnetic intensity are correlated with the much lower resolution national lightning strikes dataset. These data confirm that high elevation edges of peak scarps are the focus of previous lightning strikes. This method of magnetic surveying compared with lightning strike data is a new method of confirming the locations of lightning strikes, and reduces the need for intensive paleomagnetic studies of the area to confirm remanence.
Authored by Susan Webb, Jasper Knight, Stefan Grab, Stephanie Enslin, Hugh Hunt, Leonie Maré
In this paper, we use selective laser melting (SLM) technology to fabricate AlNiCo magnetic materials, and the effects of laser processing parameters on the density and mechanical properties of AlNiCo magnetic materials were studied. We tested the magnetic properties of the heat-treated magnets. The results show that both laser power and scanning speed affect the forming. In this paper, the influence of laser power on the density of samples far exceeds the scanning speed. Through the experiment, we obtained the optimal range of process parameters: laser power (150 170W) and laser scanning speed (800 1000mm/s). Although the samples formed within this range have higher density, there are still many cracks, further research work should be done.
Authored by Li Fuhui, Kong Decheng, Meng Xiaowei, Fang Yikun, He Ketai
The use of rare-earth elements in permanent magnets rises economic, environmental and supply-chain related concerns. Instead, ferrite magnets have been researched as an alternative. The magnetic flux concentration capacity of the Spoke Type Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM) and the low magnetic remanence of the ferrite magnet make them complementary strategies towards the desirable performance. However, if restricted to conventional manufacturing processes and materials, the mechanical design is a challenging step of the development of these machines. This paper explores how mechanical constraints impact electromagnetic performance. To access the interdependency of the performance and the mechanical constraints, finite element analyses are done both in the mechanical and electromagnetic domain. The results show that the mechanical constraints have an impact on the performance, although it is possible to reduce it by adapting the design to the electromagnetic and mechanical properties of the electrical steel.
Authored by M. Silva, S. Eriksson
This paper proposes a magnetic actuator using a partially magnetized FePt thick film as a permanent magnet and membrane material for bi-directional micropumps. The magnetized areas act as flux sources, while the magnetized and unmagnetized areas play a role of the membrane part. The mechanical and magnetic characterization results show FePt has a large tensile strength and a lower Young’s modulus than Si crystal, and a comparable remanence to NdFeB. A magnetic pattern transfer technique with a post thermal demagnetization is proposed and experimentally verified to magnetize the FePt partially. Using the proposed magnetic actuator with partially magnetized FePt film is beneficial to simplify the complicated structure and fabrication process of the bi-directional magnetic micropump besides other magnetic MEMS devices.
Authored by Chao Qi, Keita Nagai, Ming Ji, Yu Miyahara, Naohiro Sugita, Tadahiko Shinshi, Masaki Nakano, Chiaki Sato
This paper proposes a novel concept for an electric generator in which both ac windings and permanent magnets (PMs) are placed in the stator. Concentrated windings with a special pattern and phase coils placed in separate slots are employed. The PMs are positioned in a spoke-type field concentrating arrangement, which provides high flux intensification and enables the use of lower remanence and energy non-rare earth magnets. The rotor is exterior to the stator and has a simple and robust reluctance-type configuration without any active electromagnetic excitation components. The principle of operation is introduced based on the concept of virtual work with closed-form analytical airgap flux density distributions. Initial and parametric design studies were performed using electromagnetic FEA for a 3MW direct-drive wind turbine generator employing PMs of different magnetic remanence and specific energy. Results include indices for the goodness of excitation and the goodness of the electric machine designs; loss; and efficiency estimations, indicating that performance comparable to PM synchronous designs employing expensive and critical supply rare-earth PMs may be achieved with non-rare earth PMs using the proposed configuration.
Authored by Ali Mohammadi, Oluwaseun Badewa, Yaser Chulaee, Dan Ionel, Somasundaram Essakiappan, Madhav Manjrekar
Study on the effect of nanosecond laser anneal (NLA) induced crystallization of ferroelectric (FE) Si-doped hafnium oxide (HSO) material is reported. The laser energy density (0.3 J/cm2 to 1.3 J/cm2) and pulse count (1.0 to 30) variations are explored as pathways for the HSO based metal-ferroelectric-metal (MFM) capacitors. The increase in energy density shows transition toward ferroelectric film crystallization monitored by the remanent polarization (2Pr) and coercive field (2Ec). The NLA conditions show maximum 2Pr (\$\textbackslashsim 24\textbackslash \textbackslashmu\textbackslashmathrmC/\textbackslashtextcmˆ2\$) comparable to the values obtained from reference rapid thermal processing (RTP). Reliability dependence in terms of fatigue (107 cycles) of MFMs on NLA versus RTP crystallization anneal is highlighted. The NLA based MFMs shows improved fatigue cycling at high fields for the low energy densities compared to an RTP anneal. The maximum fatigue cycles to breakdown shows a characteristic dependence on the laser energy density and pulse count. Leakage current and dielectric breakdown of NLA based MFMs at the transition of amorphous to crystalline film state is reported. The role of NLA based anneal on ferroelectric film crystallization and MFM stack reliability is reported in reference with conventional RTP based anneal.
Authored by T. Ali, R. Olivo, S. Kerdilès, D. Lehninger, M. Lederer, D. Sourav, A-S. Royet, A. Sünbül, A. Prabhu, K. Kühnel, M. Czernohorsky, M. Rudolph, R. Hoffmann, C. Charpin-Nicolle, L. Grenouillet, T. Kämpfe, K. Seidel
In this study, the parameters of the Jiles-Atherton (JA) model are investigated to determine suitable solution candidates for hysteresis models of a piezoelectric actuator (PEA). The methodology of this study is to perform Monte Carlo experiments on the JA model by randomly selecting parameters that generate hysteresis curves. The solution space is then restrained such that their normalized area and remnant displacements are comparable to those of the PEA. The data resulting from these Monte Carlo simulations show trends in the parameter space that can be used to further restrain parameter selection windows to find suitable JA parameters to model PEAs. In particular, the results show that selection of the reversibility coefficient and the pinning factor strongly affect both of the hysteresis characteristics studied. A large density of solutions is found in certain parameter distributions for both the area and the remnant displacement, but the remnant displacement generates the densest distributions. These results can be used to more effectively find suitable hysteresis models for modeling purposes.
Authored by Marc Savoie, Jinjun Shan
Dielectric capacitors have attracted attention as energy storage devices that can achieve rapid charge and discharge. But the key to restricting its development is the low energy storage density of dielectric materials. Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF), as a polymer with high dielectric properties, is expected to improve the energy storage density of dielectric materials. In this work, the multilayer structure of PVDF ferroelectric polymer is designed, and the influence of the number of layers on the maximum polarization, remanent polarization, applied electric field and energy storage density of the dielectric material is studied. The final obtained double-layer PVDF obtained a discharge energy storage density of 10.6 J/cm3 and an efficiency of 49.1% at an electric field of 410 kV/mm; the three-layer PVDF obtained a discharge energy storage density of 11.0 J/cm3 and an efficiency of 37.2% at an electric field of 440 kV/mm.
Authored by Yang Cui, Yikai Ma, Yudong Zhang, Xi Lin, Siwei Zhang, Tianbin Si, Changhai Zhang
Ferroelectric capacitor memory devices with carbon-free Hf0.5Zr0.5O2 (HZO) ferroelectric films are fabricated and characterized. The HZO ferroelectric films are deposited by ALD at temperatures from 225 to 300°C, with HfCl4 and ZrCl4 as the precursors. Residual chlorine from the precursors is measured and studied systematically with various process temperatures. 10nm HZO films with optimal ALD growth temperature at 275°C exhibit remanent polarization of 25µC/cm2 and cycle endurance of 5×1011. Results will be compared with those from HZO films deposited with carbon containing metal-organic precursors.
Authored by Yujin Kim, Zhan Liu, Hao Jiang, T.P. Ma, Jun-Fei Zheng, Phil Chen, Eric Condo, Bryan Hendrix, James O'Neill
In recent years, body-worn RFID and NFC (near field communication) devices have become one of the principal technologies concurring to the rise of healthcare internet of thing (H-IoT) systems. Similarly, points of care (PoCs) moved increasingly closer to patients to reduce the costs while supporting precision medicine and improving chronic illness management, thanks to timely and frequent feedback from the patients themselves. A typical PoC involves medical sensing devices capable of sampling human health, personal equipment with communications and computing capabilities (smartphone or tablet) and a secure software environment for data transmission to medical centers. Hybrid platforms simultaneously employing NFC and ultra-high frequency (UHF) RFID could be successfully developed for the first sensing layer. An application example of the proposed hybrid system for the monitoring of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) survivors details how the combined use of NFC and UHF-RFID in the same PoC can support the multifaceted need of AMI survivors while protecting the sensitive data on the patient’s health.
Authored by Giulio Bianco, Emanuele Raso, Luca Fiore, Alessia Riente, Adina Barba, Carolina Miozzi, Lorenzo Bracciale, Fabiana Arduini, Pierpaolo Loreti, Gaetano Marrocco, Cecilia Occhiuzzi
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) improves the efficiency of managing assets in supply chain applications throughout an entire life cycle or while in transport. Transfer of ownership of RFID-tagged items involves replacing information authorizing the old owner with information authorizing the new owner. In this work, we present a two-party, multiple tag, single-owner protocol for ownership transfer: 2P-mtOTP. This two-party protocol depends only on the communication among the two owners and the tags. Further, 2P-mtOTP is robust to attacks on its security, and it preserves the privacy of the owners and tags. We analyze our work in comparison to recent ownership transfer protocols in terms of security, privacy, and efficiency.
Authored by Vanya Cherneva, Jerry Trahan
In this paper, a novel composite right/left-handed transmission line (CRLH TL) 3-unit cell is presented for finding excellent time-delay (TD) efficiency of Chipless RFID's True-Time-Delay Lines (TTDLs). RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) is a non-contact automatic identification technology that uses radio frequency (RF) signals to identify target items automatically and retrieve pertinent data without the need for human participation. However, as compared to barcodes, RFID tags are prohibitively expensive and complex to manufacture. Chipless RFID tags are RFID tags that do not contain silicon chips and are therefore less expensive and easier to manufacture. It combines radio broadcasting technology with radar technology. Radio broadcasting technology use radio waves to send and receive voice, pictures, numbers, and symbols, whereas radar technology employs the radio wave reflection theory. Chipless RFID lowers the cost of sensors such as gas, temperature, humidity, and pressure. In addition, Chipless RFID tags can be used as sensors which are also required for security purposes and future IoT applications.
Authored by Mohammad Alim, Ali Maswood, Md. Bin Alam
Despite the strict measures taken by authorities for children safety, crime against children is increasing. To curb this crime, it is important to improve the safety of children. School authorities can be severely penalized for these incidents, hence monitoring the school bus is significantly important in limiting these incidents. The developing worry of families for the security and insurance of their kids has started incredible interest in creating strong frameworks that give successful following and oversight of kids driving among home and school. Coordinated transport following permits youngsters to partake more in their normal schoolwork longer than trusting that a transport will be late with the assistance of notice and guarantees the security of every understudy. These days, reacting to the necessities existing apart from everything else, numerous instructive foundations have begun to push more towards a compelling global positioning framework of their vehicles that ensures the wellbeing of their understudies. Effective transport following is accomplished by procuring the geographic directions utilizing the GPS module and communicating the informationto a distant server. The framework depends on prepared to-utilize inactive RFID peruses. Make a message pop-up from the server script subsequent to checking the understudy's RFID tag be. The RFID examine exhibiting that the understudy boarded the vehicle to the specific trained professionals and the parent. Successful transport following permits school specialists, guardians, and drivers to precisely design their schedules while protecting kids from the second they get on until they get off the transport. The framework overall makes it conceivable to educate the administration regarding crises or protests. A variety of reports can be generated for different school-wide real-time bus and vehicle activities. This paper reviews the various smart security transport systems proposed for providing security features.
Authored by Lipsa Dash, Sanjeev Sharma, Manish M, Chaitanya M, Vamsi P, Souvik Manna
The current face recognition technology has rapidly come into the public life, from unlocking cell phone face to mobile payment, which has brought a lot of convenience to life. However, it is undeniable that it also brings security challenges. Based on this paper, we will discuss the risks of face recognition in the mobile payment and put forward relevant suggestions.
Authored by Qingyan Liu, Erlito Albina
Thefts problem in household needs to be anticipated with home security system. One of simple methods is using automatic solenoid door lock system, so that it is difficult to be duplicated and will reduce the chance of theft action when the house is empty. Therefore, a home security system prototype that can be accessed by utilizing biometric fingerprint, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), and keypad sensors was designed and tested. Arduino Uno works to turn on the door lock solenoid, so door access will be given when authentication is successful. Experimental results show that fingerprint sensor works well by being able to read fingerprints perfectly and the average time required to scan a fingerprint was 3.7 seconds. Meanwhile, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) sensor detects Electronic-Kartu Tanda Penduduk (E-KTP) and the average time required for Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) to scan the card is about 2.4 seconds. Keypad functions to store password to unlock the door which produces the average time of 3.7 seconds after 10 trials. Average time to open with multi-sensor is 9.8 seconds. However, its drawback is no notification or SMS which directly be accessed by a cellphone or website with Wi-Fi or Telegram applications allow homeowners to monitor their doors from afar as to minimize the number of house thefts.
Authored by Joni Simatupang, Ramses Tambunan
A method of detecting UHF RFID tags with SQL in-jection virus code written in its user memory bank is explored. A spectrum analyzer took signal strength readings in the frequency spectrum while an RFID reader was reading the tag. The strength of the signal transmitted by the RFID tag in the UHF range, more specifically within the 902–908 MHz sub-band, was used as data to train a Random Forest model for Malware detection. Feature reduction is accomplished by dividing the observed spectrum into 15 ranges with a bandwidth of 344 kHz each and detecting the number of maxima in each range. The malware-infested tag could be detected more than 80% of the time. The frequency ranges contributing most in this detection method were the low (903.451-903.795 MHz, 902.418-902.762 MHz) and high (907.238-907.582 MHz) bands in the observed spectrum.
Authored by Shah Hasnaeen, Andrew Chrysler
The Internet of Things (IoT) is rapidly evolving, allowing physical items to share information and coordinate with other nodes, increasing IoT’s value and being widely applied to various applications. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is usually used in IoT applications to automate item identification by establishing symmetrical communication between the tag device and the reader. Because RFID reading data is typically in plain text, a security mechanism is required to ensure that the reading results from this RFID data remain confidential. Researchers propose a lightweight encryption algorithm framework for IoT-based RFID applications to address this security issue. Furthermore, this research assesses the implementation of lightweight encryption algorithms, such as Grain v1 and Espresso, as two systems scenarios. The Grain v1 encryption is the final eSTREAM project that accepts an 80-bit key, 64-bit IV, and has a 160-bit internal state with limited application. In contrast, the Espresso algorithm has been implemented in various applications such as 5G wireless communication. Furthermore, this paper tested the performance of each encryption algorithm in the microcontroller and inspected the network performance in an IoT system.
Authored by Faiq Al-Aziz, Ratna Mayasari, Nike Sartika, Arif Irawan
A single RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) is a technology for the remote identification of objects or people. It integrates a reader that receives the information contained in an RFID tag through an RFID authentication protocol. RFID provides several security services to protect the data transmitted between the tag and the reader. However, these advantages do not prevent an attacker to access this communication and remaining various security and privacy issues in these systems. Furthermore, with the rapid growth of IoT, there is an urgent need of security authentication and confidential data protection. Authentication protocols based on elliptic curve cryptographic (ECC) were widely investigated and implemented to guarantee protection against the various attacks that can suffer an RFID system. In this paper, we are going to focus on a comparative study between the most efficient ECC-based RFID authentication protocols that are already published, and study their security against the different wireless attacks.
Authored by Souhir Gabsi, Yassin Kortli, Vincent Beroulle, Yann Kieffer, Hamdi Belgacem
In the operation of information technology (IT) services, operators monitor the equipment-issued alarms, to locate the cause of a failure and take action. Alarms generate simultaneously from multiple devices with physical/logical connections. Therefore, if the time and location of the alarms are close to each other, it can be judged that the alarms are likely to be caused by the same event. In this paper, we propose a method that takes a novel approach by correlating alarms considering event units using a Bayesian network based on alarm generation time, generation place, and alarm type. The topology information becomes a critical decision element when doing the alarm correlation. However, errors may occur when topology information updates manually during failures or construction. Therefore, we show that event-by-event correlation with 100% accuracy is possible even if the topology information is 25% wrong by taking into location information other than topology information.
Authored by Yuya Hata, Naoki Hayashi, Yusuke Makino, Atsushi Takada, Kyoko Yamagoe
The selection of distribution network faults is of great significance to accurately identify the fault location, quickly restore power and improve the reliability of power supply. This paper mainly studies the fault phase selection method of distribution network based on wavelet singular entropy and deep belief network (DBN). Firstly, the basic principles of wavelet singular entropy and DBN are analyzed, and on this basis, the DBN model of distribution network fault phase selection is proposed. Firstly, the transient fault current data of the distribution network is processed to obtain the wavelet singular entropy of the three phases, which is used as the input of the fault phase selection model; then the DBN network is improved, and an artificial neural network (ANN) is introduced to make it a fault Select the phase classifier, and specify the output label; finally, use Simulink to build a simulation model of the IEEE33 node distribution network system, obtain a large amount of data of various fault types, generate a training sample library and a test sample library, and analyze the neural network. The adjustment of the structure and the training of the parameters complete the construction of the DBN model for the fault phase selection of the distribution network.
Authored by Jinliang You, Di Zhang, Qingwu Gong, Jiran Zhu, Haiguo Tang, Wei Deng, Tong Kang
VCB is an important component to ensure the safe and smooth operation of the power system. As an important driving part of the vacuum circuit breaker, the operating mechanism is prone to mechanical failure, which leads to power grid accidents. This paper offers an in-depth analysis of the mechanical faults of the operating mechanism of vacuum circuit breaker and their causes, extracts the current signal of the opening and closing coil strongly correlated with the mechanical faults of the operating mechanism as the characteristic information to build a Deep Belief Network (DBN) model, trains each data set via Restricted Boltzmann Machine(RBM) and updates the model parameters. The number of hidden layer nodes, the structure of the network layer, and the learning rate are determined, and the mechanical fault diagnosis system of vacuum circuit breaker based on the Deep Belief Network is established. The results show that when the network structure is 8-110-110-6 and the learning rate is 0.01, the recognition accuracy of the DBN model is the highest, which is 0.990871. Compared with BP neural network, DBN has a smaller cross-entropy error and higher accuracy. This method can accurately diagnose the mechanical fault of the vacuum circuit breaker, which lays a foundation for the smooth operation of the power system.
Authored by Yan Tong, Zhaoyu Ku, Nanxin Chen, Hu Sheng